Saturday, April 11, 2009

Be Still – Psalm 46:10

Psalm 46:10“Be still and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be exalted in all the world.”

Thesaurus Fun:
Still – at rest, tranquil, quiet, calm
Know – recognize, realize, be aware, grasp, experience, remember

Be Still

Stillness in an important spiritual discipline that is practiced too little these days. Along with stillness is the discipline of silence, and these two go hand in hand. In our society, we have become obsessed with doing. We fill our lives with activity and noise so that it has become uncomfortable to be still (or worse, to sit in silence). But silence and stillness are still the best ways to hear God’s voice and to know His heart and will. How can you hear Him if you are always surrounded by noise? How will you find Him if you are always chasing after other things? To be still is to cease striving. This means not only resting from the mad dash we call life, but it also means that we are to still our heart and our mind which can be so often busy with worry. This is why God also says, “…and know that I am God.” In the midst of all your worry and anxiety, all your striving and stressing, stop everything and remember that He is God “in all the world” and He has everything in control. Scripture also says, “Be still in the presence of the Lord and wait patiently for Him to act.” (Psalm 37:7). Sometimes the things we think we need to do are really something that God has to do and we must learn to wait for Him to act.

Despite all the things that you think you need to do, (so many of them seeming so urgent) there is one thing more important than them all – spending time being still in God’s presence. Remember the story of Mary and Martha when Jesus came to visit. Martha was busy in the kitchen but Mary sat at Jesus’ feet. When Martha complained to Jesus about this He said, “Dear Martha, you concern yourself with so many things but there is one thing that is really important. Mary has chosen it and it will not be taken from her.” (Luke 10:38-42). This does not mean that the things you do don’t need doing, but it does mean that it is not the most important thing you could be doing. When you slow down long enough to take time to focus on God, everything else comes into proper perspective and you will find at the end of the day that what really needed to be done has been done. So honor God by placing Him first in everything including your time and so let God be exalted in your world. Find God’s rest in stillness and silence and there find peace.

Point to Ponder

Are you more like Mary or Martha? Do you spend so much time doing stuff for God and others that you forget to simply be still in God’s presence? Think about everything you have to do today (or tomorrow) and find time (5-15 min.) that you can spend alone in silence waiting on God. Ask Him to just let you feel His presence and to guide you in the rest of your day.

We pray, “Our Father, we thank You for Your word, for it is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Psalm 119:105), it guides our way. Lord, we are so glad that You are the sovereign God in control of everything so that we never need to be afraid of anything but we can rest in Your plan and in Your hands. God, You know how much we rush around every day – all the things that we try to get done. Help us to learn to be still. Help us to rest in You trusting in Your mighty power to accomplish what concerns us (Psalm 138:8). Show us when it is best for us to simply wait on You. Above all, may our lives honor You. May we remember that You are our God and we are the people You take care of, the sheep that You tend (Psalm 95:7). Thank You that You hear us and that You are near to us. Jesus, in the power of Your name we pray. Amen.”

See these songs: Standing Still for You, I Miss You*

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