Saturday, April 11, 2009

Live by the Spirit not Human Effort – Galatians 3:3

Galatians 3:3 – “How ridiculous is this?! After starting your Christian lives in and by the Holy Spirit, why are you now trying to become perfect by your own human effort?”

Thesaurus Fun:
Effort – exertion, struggle, striving, force, sweat, labor, work, attempt
Ridiculous – ludicrous, absurd, silly, unreasonable, outrageous, foolish, stupid

Live by the Spirit

We all fall into this error at one time or another in some way or other. It may not be as obvious as those believers here addressed who were trying to add the works of the law to their salvation, but we still try to do some things on our own (without God). We start out following the leading of God’s Spirit be it in prayer, study, or any of the disciplines and also in witnessing and positions of leadership. God calls us to something and we begin knowing that we must rely on Him to guide us and to strengthen us for we can do nothing without Him (John 15:5). But somewhere along the way, what was new and uncertain becomes routine and we begin to think that we can do it on our own. No longer do we rely on God or ask for His help, we begin to rely on human strength and human wisdom to accomplish what we have been called to. Then sooner or later, our strength runs out and all the human wisdom of the world fails us and we are left disappointed. We find ourselves exerting all our effort and getting nowhere except backwards. So why do we start to rely on our own strength like this knowing that it must be done in His? Perhaps it is that we know that God is unpredictable. He usually leads us out on a limb or tells us to simply wait, and in general we don’t like either option. So we make our own plans and ask God to bless them, no longer genuinely seeking direction from Him. Perhaps, deep down inside us, we want to feel like it is our accomplishment if we succeed (of course if we don’t, then it’s “God’s fault”). There is a certain level of pride living in all of us and once we have traveled a while down the path of God’s calling, we begin to think that we know what’s coming next and we let go of God’s hand saying in effect “I got this” so that we can be doing something “for” God instead of “with” God.

We can recognize this attitude by asking ourselves, “If this works out, who gets the glory? Me or God?” or we could ask, “Am I doing any of this by faith? Or is it by sight?” (2nd Cor. 5:7). If you are exhausting yourself, as you think, in “God’s service”, more than likely, you are trying to do it in your own strength which will never be enough. Think for a moment about what that little word “effort” really means - exertion, struggle, force, labor, sweat, - no wonder you wind up exhausted! It is this that the writer here calls “ridiculous” - absurd, silly, stupid! Why? Because all that effort – all that striving – is not only unnecessary but it is counterproductive! It won’t get you where you want to go and keeps you from what will. “How ridiculous is this?!”

The first step in getting back on track is learning how to wait on God. Scripture says, “Those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength…” (Isaiah 40:31). Waiting is difficult for most of us these days. There is very little patience in modern society, waiting always feels like a waste of time. But time is exactly the point; that is, it’s all about timing. When it comes to doing things God’s way, timing is everything and, of course, God is always busy in the meantime, shaping us and bring things into line. So wait on God, linger in His presence, and let His love fill you with peace and joy and strength.

The second step is to remind yourself that God knows what He’s doing and the best way to do it and has the best ends in mind even if nothing makes sense at the time. Therefore, remembering this, genuinely and consistently seek God’s will in everything you do and then do it, even if it flies in the face of all supposed “human wisdom”.

The last and most important step is this: ask for God’s help. Ask Him to help you learn how to wait on Him. Ask Him to help you truly want His will in your life and to help you follow Him. Ask Him for patience and courage and strength. Ask God for His wisdom and discernment, that you might see when you begin to rely on your own strength again. You can be sure that God will gladly answer such prayers. As Scripture says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to everyone without finding fault, and it will be given to him.” (James 1:5).

Point to Ponder: Can you see any area of your life where you have been doing God's work in your own strength? How is that working for you?

And so we pray, “Sovereign God; our fortress, our rock, and our strength – thank You that we can come to You for all our needs. Thank You for drawing us to You and for putting a call on our life to use us in this world. Lord, You know the society we live in where independence and competence are exalted virtues and pride in one’s own accomplishments is encouraged. But God, we know that our ways are not Your ways nor are our thoughts Your thoughts (Isaiah 55:8). Therefore, search us and know us, O God, reveal to us the wrong way in which we live and lead us in the right way (Psalm 139:23-24 ). Lord, we confess to You right now that we have tried to do things on our own (whether completely independent of Your will or in trying to follow Your will and call in our life). Help us to set aside human effort and human wisdom, and help us to seek to know and to follow Your will and direction only. Lord, give us patience to wait on You, courage to obey You, and wisdom to know the difference between Your directions and our own ideas. Help us throughout the rest of our lives to recognize when we have begun to rely on our own strength and help us to turn to You again. May we remember that everything is for Your glory and so may we live with that end in sight. We thank You that You hear us and answer us. Our Jesus, may Your name be praised in all the earth! Amen.”

See these songs: I Give Up, I Will Rest (I Come to You), Let it Pour Out

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