Sunday, January 14, 2007

# 37 Philippians 3:7-9 NLV

Philippians 3:7-9 NLV

But I gave up those things that were so important to me for Christ. Even more than that, I think of everything as worth nothing. It is so much better to know Christ Jesus my Lord. I have lost everything for Him. And I think of these things as worth nothing so that I can have Christ. I want to be as one with Him. I could not be right with God by what the Law said I must do. I was made right with God by faith in Christ.


Knowing Christ is more important than anything else we could ever have or do. Nothing else could ever compare and anything else, if it is apart from Him, is worthless. Therefore, let us give up everything that is not for Him. Let us examine all the books we read, the movies we watch, the games we play, the music we listen to, and the motive behind all that we do. If it is not for Him and all about Him then what good is it? If only we would do everything with this motive: to please Him, to draw closer to Him, to bring glory to His name. He is worthy of the focus of all our life for when we were still enemies, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8) and we are now made right with God by faith in Christ. Therefore, let us offer ourselves as living sacrifices (Romans 12:1), let us offer the parts of our bodies to Him as instruments of righteousness (Romans 6:11-13). Let us separate ourselves from the standards of this world and cling to God’s standards. Let us pray, “Lord Jesus, help us to see that anything in our lives that is not for You, about You, is worthless. Help us to cast all aside that we might focus on You and fill our lives with You. May we see that this abandonment of the “innocent” things of this world in order to draw closer to You, is the only proper response to all You’ve done for us and all You are to us. Oh, Lord, may we now surrender all to You whether sin, or “innocent” distractions, or deep rooted fears. For You are worthy of all obedience, all love and attention and devotion, and all trust. God, set us apart as Yours for the glory of Your name and for Your joy and our joy. May we find our all in You, may we be so lost in You that we find ourselves to be complete* in You. That we may say without hesitation or reservation, “more than all the world, oh God, I want You!*” Amen.”

*See the song God, I Want You on the Faithwriters link.

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